Print this Reese's Fall Prayer for everyone in your church!
This is a quick and easy way to remind your entire church to pray for the Fall season. Simply attach a bag of Reese's to the page and pass them out this Sunday morning to everyone in your church. Print as many copies of this prayer as you need for your church. This PDF file is designed to be printed on letter size paper. Just click the green "Add to Cart" button above, and you can checkout for free.
Reese's Pieces Fall Prayer Text:
Orange - Pray that God uses us to show love to others. Pray for those who are trying to encourage other people to hate, and ask God to change their hearts. Pray for Christians everywhere to be an example of love to the world and not anger. Pray that God would help you to show love to everyone in your life whether they are kind to you or not.
Yellow - Pray that God would help us not be afraid. Pray that no matter what scary things we may hear about or see on the news, that we would remember we can trust God no matter what. Pray that God would comfort people who are facing scary things in their life right now. Pray that God would protect people who may be in dangerous situations. Pray that God would protect soldiers and police officers who are trying to protect others.
Brown - Pray for everyone who is in school. Pray for teachers that they would be encouraged to teach well. Pray for students that they would listen and respect their teachers. Pray for students who are being bullied that God would protect them. Pray for students who are bullies that God would change their hearts so that they will stop.
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