Trust God Always!
When the mighty flood came, God kept Noah, his family and the animals safe aboard the ark. Through it all, Noah learned that he could trust God always. Preschoolers will learn that they can trust God always.

Noah's Big Boat Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “But I trust in you, Lord. I say, “You are my God.” Psalm 31:14 (NIrV)
The Ark
Scripture: Genesis 6:9-22, God Instructs Noah
The world had become a bad place. Only one man, Noah, still put his trust in God and did what God said. When God told Noah to build an ark, so that he and his family would be saved from the coming flood, Noah trusted God's plan and obeyed God. We can obey God's plan too.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “I can trust and obey God because God’s got a good plan for me.”
The Flood
Scripture: Genesis 7:1-12, The Flood
God is powerful. For forty days and forty nights, he caused the rains to come down and cover the entire earth with water. Only Noah, his family and the animals inside the ark were safe. God's power is awesome!
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “I can trust God because God is powerful.”
The Birds
Scripture: Genesis 8:1-14, The Waiting
Even when the rains stopped, the earth was still covered in water. Noah and his family had to live inside the boat for many months, but they never lost hope that God would let them walk on dry ground again. We can put our hope in God.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “I can trust God and put my hope in Him because God knows what I need.”
The Rainbow
Scripture: Genesis 9:1-3, 12-17, God's Covenant With Noah
God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign to Noah that He would never send a flood to destroy the world again. We can trust God because everything He promises is true.
Objective: Preschoolers will learn that “I can trust God because God keeps His promises.”