God's Rules For Loving God & Loving People
God gave His people the 10 Commandments to show them the way He wants people to live. It is a guide on how to treat God and how to treat others. Many years later, Jesus became the only person to ever obey the 10 Commandments perfectly.
10 Commandments Children's Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview
Memory Verse:
“The law of the Lord is perfect. It gives us new strength. The laws of the Lord can be trusted. They make childish people wise.” Psalm 19:7 (NIrV)
God Gives His Commandments – God freed the Israelites from Egypt and made them His people. He gave them the 10 Commandments so that they would know the difference between right and wrong. Exodus 20:1-21, The Ten Commandments
No Other Gods – God is the creator of everything; there is no other God but Him. All other “gods” are just made up by people. 1 Kings 18:25-39, Elijah On Mount Carmel
No Idols – Even while God was giving Moses the 10 Commandments, the Israelites were breaking one of them – creating for themselves a golden image. We must not worship created things, but only God the Creator. Exodus 32, The Golden Calf
Respect God's Name – God's name is holy and we should not use it in a negative or improper way. We need to watch our tongues and make sure that we always bring glory to God. James 3:3-12, Taming the Tongue
Have a Day to Rest and Worship – One day a week, we observe a Sabbath rest to remember and celebrate God. But even on the Sabbath, we should not rest from doing good for others. Matthew 12:1-14, Lord of the Sabbath
Respect Your Parents – Although nobody's parents are perfect, they are responsible for leading us and helping us grow. We need to honor them by respecting and obeying them. Ephesians 6:1-3
No Murder, No Hate – God created every life, and every life is precious to him. We should treat each other as precious. Genesis 4:1-16, Cain and Abel , Matthew 5:21-22
Keep Your Marriage Promises – Marriage was created by God. It is important for husbands and wives to remain faithful to the person they marry. Marriage is a promise that you keep for life. Matthew 19:7-9
Do Not Steal – We are not to take something that belongs to another person without their permission. Stealing is wrong because it is disobeying God and it hurts others that we steal from. Genesis 27:1-38 Jacob steals Esau’s blessing
Do Not Lie – We should be loving and truthful in all that we say and do. Lying puts a rift between us and other people. Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira lie
Do Not Be Jealous – Jealousy is a desire for what others have that we don’t: power, possessions, and people. This selfish desire for what others have instead of being thankful for what we have often leads to us committing many other sins. 2 Kings 5:13-27, Gehazi's Covetousness
Being Perfect – As much as we might try, it's impossible for any of us to obey the law at all times. But God sent us Jesus who did obey all of the laws and then died for our sins even though he was perfect. Because he paid the price for our disobedience, we can be saved. Matthew 5:17-20, 43-48, John 11:25-26 Fulfilling the Law