FREE Hairy Situations Sunday School Lesson

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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Hairy Situations 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum!

Samson is still considered one of the greatest heroes in the history of Israel. He’s also one of the most flawed. His immeasurable strength gave him victory over victory, but it wasn’t a haircut that brought him down. It was his own pride and weakness.  

Hairy Situations Sunday School Lesson Overview:

Memory Verse:

“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.” - John 14:21a


A Woman of Faith

Scripture: Judges 13:1-7, Samson birth foretold

The story of Samson starts out a little like the story of Jesus. An angel visits a woman and tells her she will give birth to a boy who will save Israel. She’s given explicit instructions on how to raise her child as a Nazirite - a person set aside to serve God. Samson’s parents had no special credentials, but they trusted God at his Word and God used them to do something great in Israel. 

Objective: Kids will learn, we show our faith when we believe God’s promises.


    Click HERE to see the Hairy Situations 4-Week series.

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