The Ultimate List of 100+ Bible Stories for Kids

Bible Stories for Kids

Browse Our Extensive List Of Bible Stories For Kids To Find Your Next Lesson!

Not sure what to teach in Kids Church?  Need an idea for Bible Study?  We've put together this list of Bible Stories For Kids to help you quickly find the Bible story you want to teach, along with a lesson to go with it.  Whether you need a Bible Story for a certain topic or just want to find a story from the Old or New Testament, these lists should help you out. AND if you are looking for object lessons, you can CLICK HERE to download 21 Bible Character Object Lessons PDF files for FREE :-) 

You'll find the more exhaustive lists of Bible stories for kids below, but first we want to put together a list of what we think are the Top 10 Most Important Bible Stories for Kids:

#1. Creation - Creation is one the key Bible stories for kids that we should teach in all of our Kids' Churches and Children's Ministries. This story shows us that God is powerful, all-knowing, and the creator of the universe. Creation is the first story we are given in Scripture, and it is important for everyone to learn, regardless of age. 

#2. The Fall - As far as Bible stories for children go, The Fall is not the most fun, but it is something we should all know. After all, if we don't know that we are sinners, we can't recognize our need to be saved. This story also shows us why the world is no longer perfect. This is a great way to show kids that the reason we feel pain, or are sad, is a consequence of our sin that separated us from God during The Fall. 

#3. The Flood - Noah's Ark is probably one of the most popular children's Bible stories. The element of Noah gathering all of the animals makes this story particularly memorable for children.  However, in addition to the cute animals, this story is also a powerful reminder that sin has serious consequences. The Flood shows us God's promise to Noah, and reminds us that we should strive to be obedient to God just like Noah. 

#4. God's Promise To Abraham - God promised many children to Abraham, who was super old! Not only did was this promise fulfilled, but this promise also created a family tree that stretches all the way to Jesus! This made our list of top ten Bible stories for kids because it shows that God has a plan, is always faithful, and always keeps His promises! 

#5. The Israelites Rescued From Egypt - God hears his people. God saw that the Israelites were suffering, and he sent Moses to bring them to the Promised Land. This whole sequence of events covers many popular children's Bible stories including the burning bush, the plagues of Egypt, and the Parting of the Red Sea. 

#6. The 10 Commandments - God created the 10 Commandments to show them the best, most righteous, most godly ways to live. The 10 Commandments also showed the Israelites', and us, that no one can live up to God's law.  None of us are able to keep from sinning and breaking at least one of these commandments.  This Bible story for kids illustrates why we need a Savior. 

#7. The Birth Of Jesus - Saying Jesus was an important guy is a complete understatement. Jesus, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, was born in a barn. This Bible story shows us that Jesus deserved to be born in a palace, and into great wealth, but was instead born to the lowest station. While this is certainly one of the most popular Bible stories for kids around Christmas, it can be also be taught all year round! 

#8. The Crucifixion -The lowest point of humanity was the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This Bible story for kids shows us that Jesus took on the sins of the world, and died for us. This is a complex story that we often have a hard time teaching our little ones since atonement and salvation are hard topics to simplify. Regardless, we should still be teaching this story in our Sunday Schools. 

#9. The Resurrection - This is what Christianity is all about! Teach kids that we can have eternal life, and live forever with Jesus with this Bible story for kids. Even though Jesus died for our sins, he did not stay dead, he is alive indeed.

#10. Jesus' Return - We often think of Jesus as a person in the past. Jesus is not someone just from history, he is alive and with us. Not only that, but this Bible story for kids shows us that Jesus will come for us. He will return to earth and make all wrong things right, fixing pain and sorrow.

Bible Stories For Kids In Chronological Bible Order:


---Old Testament---

Creation Bible Story For Kids

Days of Creation Sunday School Lesson
Adam and Eve Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on The Fall
Noah's Ark Sunday School Lesson
Tower of Babel Sunday School Lesson
Abraham Sunday School Lesson
Jacob and Esau Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Joseph
Sunday School Lesson on Moses
Burning Bush Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Plagues of Egypt
Sunday School Lesson on Passover
Moses and the Red Sea Sunday School Lesson
10 Commandments Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on the Israelites Complaining
Sunday School Lesson on Miriam
Jericho Sunday School Lesson
Samson and Delilah Sunday School Lesson
Ruth & Naomi Sunday School Lesson
David and Goliath Sunday School Lesson
David and Jonathan Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Solomon
Elijah and the Widow Sunday School Lesson
Nehemiah Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Esther
Job Sunday School Lesson
Proverbs 14:12 Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Isaiah
Shadrach, Meshech, Abednego Sunday School Lesson

---New Testament---

Bible Stories For KidsSunday School Lesson on the Angels' Visit
Jesus Is Born Sunday School Lesson
John The Baptist Sunday School Lesson
Christmas Sunday School Lesson on the Angels
Christmas Sunday School Lesson on Bethlehem
Christmas Sunday School Lesson on Joseph
Christmas Sunday School Lesson on Mary
Christmas Sunday School Lesson on the Shepherds
Jesus Is Tempted Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on the Calling of Levi
First Disciples Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Calls His Disciples Sunday School Lesson
Fishers of Men Sunday School Lesson
Samaritan Woman at the Well Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man Sunday School Lesson
Good Samaritan Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Feeds 5000 Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Calms The Storm Sunday School Lesson
Parable of the Sower Sunday School Lesson
Beatitudes Sunday School Lesson
Jesus Heals a Boy Sunday School Lesson
Parable of the Lost Sheep Sunday School Lesson
The Foolish Person Sunday School Lesson
Pearl of Great Price Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on the Widow's Mite
Sunday School Lesson on Zacchaeus
Triumphal Entry Sunday School Lesson
Palm Sunday Sunday School Lesson
Garden of Gethsemane Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Jesus' Arrest
Peter Denies Jesus Sunday School Lesson
Doubting Thomas Sunday School Lesson
Philip and the Ethiopian Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Saul
Galatians 5:22-23 Sunday School Lesson
Fruit of the Spirit Sunday School Lesson
Belt of Truth Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Philippians 4:13
Taming The Tongue Sunday School Lesson


Bible Stories For Kids Sorted By Topic:

12 Disciples Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Anger
Sunday School Lesson on Being Wonderfully Made
Bible Trivia Sunday School Lesson
The Body of Christ Sunday School Lesson
Books of the Bible Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on a Clean Heart
Christmas Joy Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on The Church
Created by God Sunday School Lesson
Easter Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Eternal Joy
Sunday School Lesson on Eternal Life
Sunday School Lesson on Following Jesus
Friendship Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Forgiveness
Sunday School Lesson on Generosity
Sunday School Lesson on Gratitude
Sunday School Lesson on God's Comfort
God Made You Sunday School Lesson
God Saves Sunday School Lesson
God Strong Children's Ministry Lesson
God Makes Us Strong Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on God's Word
Holy Spirit Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Honesty
Sunday School Lesson on Honoring Parents
Jesus Is God's Son Sunday School Lesson
Jesus' Life Easter Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Joy
Living by the Spirit Sunday School Lesson
Living Water Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Love
Sunday School Lesson on Loving Others
Sunday School Lesson on Loving Your Enemies
Sunday School Lesson on Lying
Sunday School Lesson on Memorizing Scripture
New Year's Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Not Worrying
Obedience Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Prayer
Praying Everyday Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on the Old Testament
Sunday School Lesson on Overcoming Anger
Sunday School Lesson on Peace
Sunday School Lesson on the Pharisees
Salvation Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Sin
Slow to Speak Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Studying The Bible
Sunday School Lesson on Teamwork
Temptation Sunday School Lesson
Thankfulness Sunday School Lesson
Transformed by Jesus Sunday School Lesson
Treasures In Heaven Sunday School Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Trusting God
Turkey Tales Children's Ministry Lesson
Sunday School Lesson on Using Kind Words
Sunday School Lesson on Wisdom
Sunday School Lesson on Working Hard
Sunday School Lesson on Working for God's Glory
Sunday School Lesson on Worry
Sunday School Lesson on Worshipping God