Learning How To Think Like Jesus.
It's easy to get swept up by the latest trend. This series will help teens see how they can form their own opinions and stand firm in today's modern social media culture.

Hashtag Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.” - Romans 12:2 (NIV)
LESSON #1: #school - We receive messages all day long telling us how to live our lives. We receive them from everywhere: advertising, social media, friends, teachers, parents, the culture at large. Not all of this “instruction” should carry equal weight. We must learn to recognize valuable instruction and be willing to learn from it. We must know that
the ultimate source of knowledge and wisdom comes from God. When we learn from him and put his instruction into practice, we are laying a solid foundation for life. Luke 6:46-49. The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders.
LESSON #2: #friends - It’s easy to be a friend to people who believe all the same things you believe and do all of the same things you do. It’s easy to serve the people that are very much like us. But Jesus calls us to be different. We are to look at each person as our neighbor. And Jesus asks us to love them as we love ourselves. Luke 10:25-37. The Parable of the Good Samaritan.
LESSON #3: #money - As recorded in the Gospels, Jesus spoke about money and our relationship to it more than any other topic. How we relate to our stuff is definitely of eternal significance. Greed and covetousness can have a powerful hold on us, clouding our judgment. We need to become people who seek the Lord first. When we are able to do that, money and stuff become tools that we use to serve God. Luke 12:13-21. The Parable of the Rich Fool.
LESSON #4: #love - The unending, abundant love of God is difficult for us to truly fathom. That’s why Jesus described it in terms that we could understand – the tale of a father and his son. Our challenge is to see God as a good and loving father and to put ourselves in the place of the child coming home. We cannot earn our way to God; he runs to meet us. He wraps his arms around us, accepts us, and celebrates our return. This is not the way the world loves. Luke 15:11-32. The Parable of Lost Son.
About This Curriculum:
- Instant Download
- 4-Week Series
- Perfect for 6th-12th Grade Students
- Great for Weekend or Mid-Week Programming
- Includes Both Large Group and Small Group Resources
- Download a sample lesson from this series here.
Each Lesson Includes:
DOWNLOAD. Teacher Prep: Printable lesson overview – with tips and encouragement – to distribute to each leader and teacher on your team.
UPLOAD. Large Group Teaching Guide: Printable “no prep required” Bible lesson for your Large Group Leader.
POP QUIZ. Print and distribute this quiz to each of your students. Questions are based on the Upload Bible Lesson.
COMMENT & SHARE. Small Group Discussion Guide: Print and distribute this guide to leaders and students for use during their small group time.
INTERACTIVE. Lesson Activity: Three activity options – a group game, a missional activity, and a service project – to pick and choose from each week
TRENDING. Social Media + Leader Ideas: Ideas to help you use social media to keep the discussion with students going throughout the week.
GRAPHICS. Series Graphics, Social Media Graphics, and Printables.
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