Jericho Sunday School Lesson

Jericho Sunday School LessonHere is our FREE Jericho Sunday School Lesson! Kids will learn that a follower of God is obedient, and when we obey God, He will do great things! When the Israelites faced Jericho, it seemed impenetrable. But they had God on their side. When they obeyed God's instructions, the walls of Jericho crumbled like a pile of building bricks.  Kids will use plenty of gray bricks to build the walls of the mighty city of Jericho. God wants to build you up into a person of faith. If you want to be all God designed you to be, it’s up to you to follow the instructions. Step by step, brick by brick, we need to obey God’s Word. God will honor your obedience. He will do the impossible. He will build something great in your life! This lesson is great for every Children's Ministry, Kids Church, and Sunday School!  Check out our Bible Bricks 4-Week Children’s Ministry Curriculum. And, if you like this lesson we have over 100 more free Sunday School Lessons for Kids!

Jericho Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


Obey God, and God will do great things!


Kids will learn that a follower of God is obedient.


Joshua 6:1-20, The Fall of Jericho


“Have your roots in him. Build yourselves up in him. Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.” Colossians 2:7 (NIrV)


When the Israelites faced Jericho, it seemed impenetrable. But they had God on their side. When they obeyed God's instructions, the walls of Jericho crumbled like a pile of building bricks.  Kids will use plenty of gray bricks to build the walls of the mighty city of Jericho.


Dear God,

Help us to follow your directions, one step at a time.  

In Jesus’ name,




“Have your roots in him. Build yourselves up in him. Grow strong in what you believe, just as you were taught. Be more thankful than ever before.” Colossians 2:7 (NIrV)

“Rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7 (NIV)


Divide the room into girls and boys. Have the boys read the verse aloud, and then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest?


Look at the verses surrounding this passage, or read the whole chapter so you can hear this verse in context. What was happening? How do the verses before and after the memory verse help you understand its meaning?






Construction outfits

A building block

A set of blueprints

A bullhorn


2 M


Drew - A construction worker

Clyde - Drew’s supervisor

Drew enters, carrying a large building block. He licks his finger, tests the wind, and sets the block at center stage.

DREW: There. All done.

Clyde enters with a bullhornand blueprints.

CLYDE: All right, construction crew, let’s get moving. We’ve got four weeks to complete this project, and it all starts with this wall.

DREW: Wall is finished, sir!

CLYDE: What? Huh? Who said that?

DREW: I did, sir. I just finished the wall.

CLYDE: I don’t see any wall.

DREW: Look down, sir. There it is!

Clyde looks down.

CLYDE: Are you kidding me?

DREW: No need to thank me, sir. All part of a job well done.

CLYDE: Thank you? I’m not going to thank you.

DREW: You better, sir. It’s good manners.

CLYDE: That’s not a wall! It’s just a brick.

DREW: Of course it is. It’s a brick wall.

CLYDE: Listen, boy, it takes more than one brick to make a wall.

DREW: So I should get a second one?

CLYDE: And a third, and a fourth, and a fifth…

DREW: Five bricks?

CLYDE: This is a big wall, son. It’s going to take hundreds.

DREW: Hundreds? We could be here all week!

CLYDE: That’s the plan.

DREW: That’s no fun.

CLYDE: But it is what the plan tells us to do.

DREW: What do you mean?

CLYDE: (unrolls the plans) The plan says we have to lay bricks, one at a time, day after day, until the wall is complete.

DREW: But that could take forever!

CLYDE: In our case, it should only take a week. But if we obeythe plan, one day soon we’ll look up and see we’ve built an amazing wall.

DREW: We will?

CLYDE: It’s all about obedience, son. When we follow the plan, and obey our master, God can build big things in our lives.

DREW: We are still talking about a wall, right?

CLYDE: Of course we are. Now go get some more bricks, and let’s start building!

DREW: You got it, sir! I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to build in us.

CLYDE: Don’t you mean the plans?

DREW: Of course I do. What else would I mean?




A LEGO kit

What’s the largest LEGO kit you’ve ever built? Who has built something with more than 100 pieces? 200? 500? Anyone built a LEGO kit with over 1000 pieces?

When you open the box on a larger LEGO kit, it can feel overwhelming. It looks like an

impossible task. But LEGO gives us instructions that, if we follow them, will lead us to success. One brick at a time, one step at a time, we can go from a pile of LEGOs to something amazing.

God gave us instructions as well. If we read God’s Word and are careful to follow the Bible, God can do great things in our lives. We have to be patient, and work through things step by step, but brick by brick, God will build us up into faithful followers of Christ.

You may feel like a pile of bricks, but God sees great things in you. Let God do the building, and He will make something beautiful of your life.






A bucket of LEGOs


Choose two players for this game. Set a bucket of LEGOs in between them on a table. On your signal, the players will start stacking bricks, building the tallest wall they possibly can. The

players will have one minute to build, and the tallest structure still standing when time runs out wins a prize.


For younger players, give them a green LEGO base to use as a platform. Do not give this

advantage to older kids so that the contest is more challenging.


God will build us into people of faith if we obey Him!




Obey God, and God will do great things!


Kids will learn that a follower of God is obedient.


Joshua 6:1-20, The Fall of Jericho


How many building brick lovers do we have? Who likes building with plan old blocks? Who

likes building with LEGOs? Who likes to build with any and all toys you can get your hands on?

Building bricks and blocks are great for the imagination. In many ways they are better than

action figures, dolls, and video games. A pile of LEGOs can become anything you want. In the coming weeks, we’re going to use them to make a whale, a tree, and even a boat!

Today in our game, we built walls. Walls are pretty simple and straightforward. You stack the bricks one at a time, and eventually… you have a wall. No instructions needed. Pretty simple, right?

Of course not every project is that simple. Some can take thousands of pieces and be very

complicated! In August of 2017 LEGO announced they were releasing a deluxe LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon. It was the largest LEGO kit ever available for purchase with 7,541

pieces and cost almost $800!!

How do you build a LEGO kit that large? The same way you build your faith. You follow

directions. You open the book, and you take it step by step. One brick at a time, one step at a time, slowly but surely.

God has a set of instructions for us. The Bible is God’s Word, given to us so that we can live

lives that are holy and pleasing to him. If we follow God’s instructions, he will make us strong in our faith. Nothing will be impossible for us.

Today we built a wall, a LEGO structure that reminds us of the seemingly impenetrable wall that surrounded the city of Jericho. Defeating a city with such a solid defense looked impossible, but the Israelites followed God’s instructions, and the walls came tumbling down.



If the Israelites didn’t think God’s instructions were crazy, the people of Jericho certainly had to think so. Why did the Israelites march around the city every day? Why were they lined up the way they were? Why weren’t they building scaffolds and weapons to try and scale or break the wall? And what are they planning to do with those trumpets?

The Israelites may not have understood the instructions, but they obeyed them to the letter. They had learned after forty years of following and trusting God in the wilderness that his way was the best way. This was no overnight victory. This was a victory that took forty years and one week! When God gave them instructions outside of Jericho, they followed his commands exactly, and on the seventh day, God gave them the victory. God taught Israel that when they follow Him, nothing is impossible. That’s the reason the author of the book of Joshua wrote down this story – so we would see why it is so important to obey God!


I’ve never built a LEGO kit with over 7,500 pieces like that Millennium Falcon, but I can

imagine it gets very tedious. You spend a lot of your time digging through a pile of parts, looking for the tiny pieces that fit together on one, tiny piece of the ship. You have to wonder, "Is it all worth it?"

God’s instructions can seem tedious at times. We ask ourselves, "Is it worth it, being the only person doing one thing while all my friends do another?" Do I really have to set aside 10% of my allowance to give to God?" "I follow God around my family and friends. Do I really have to do it when I’m all alone?"

The Bible teaches us, over and over, that following God is the best way to live our lives. When we obey God, we spread the love of God to others. We share love instead of hate. We do good instead of harm. We set an example for other people by our purity. It can be challenging to do the right thing all the time, but the more we study God’s directions, the easier it is to obey God.

God wants to build you up into a person of faith. If you want to be all God designed you to be, it’s up to you to follow the instructions. Step by step, brick by brick, we need to obey God’s Word. God will honor your obedience. He will do the impossible. He will build something great in your life!


Dear God,

Help us to follow your directions, one step at a time.  

In Jesus’ name,




What’s the biggest thing you ever made with LEGOs?


Colossians 2:7

Look at the verses surrounding this passage, or read the whole chapter so you can hear this verse in context. What was happening? How do the verses before and after the memory verse help you understand its meaning?


Bring in a big bucket of LEGOs for every group. Have each group build their own wall, using all the pieces in their box, if possible.


Read Joshua 6:1-20

What city did the Israelites need to defeat?

What did the city of Jericho have to protect them?

How did the spies get away from Jericho?

What did God tell the Israelites to do so they could defeat Jericho?

Why is it important to obey God?


Dear God,

Give us obedient hearts so we will follow you.

In Jesus’ name,





What’s the biggest thing you ever made with LEGOs?


Colossians 2:7

Look at the verses surrounding this passage, or read the whole chapter so you can hear this verse in context. What was happening? How do the verses before and after the memory verse help you understand its meaning?


Bring in a big bucket of LEGOs for every group. Have each group build their own wall, using all the pieces in their box, if possible.


Read Joshua 6:1-20

What was God’s plan to defeat Jericho?

Why did the Israelites succeed in defeating Jericho?

Why is it important to obey God?

How do we know what God wants us to do so we can obey Him?

What can we do to become more obedient followers of Christ?


Dear God,

Give us obedient hearts so we will follow you.

In Jesus’ name,



For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Jericho Children's Ministry Lesson (just click the link). 

Here's a video from Crossroads Kids' Club that you might find helpful to go along with your Sunday School Lesson on Jericho.

Take a look at the links below for other ideas for teaching a Jericho Sunday School Lesson:

Joshua and the Wall of Jericho (Children's Church Lesson)

Joshua and the Battle of Jericho Sunday School Lesson - Better Bible

Sunday School Lesson: Israel Marches Around Jericho

Fall of Jericho – Mission Bible Class