Trusting God When Scary Things Happen
Everyone gets scared at some point. Whenever we feel afraid, we can remember that God is always with us and loves us. God's perfect love can make our fear, disappear!
Need a corresponding series for your older kiddos? Check out Fear Crush for a series that uses the same 4 Bible lessons, but is geared for ages 6-12.

Fear Patrol Preschool Ministry Curriculum Lesson Overview:
Memory Verse: “Perfect love drives away fear.” 1 John 4:18b (NIrV)
We've Got a Problem
Scripture: Genesis 26:1-10, Isaac and Abimelech
Isaac had a problem – he was scared. His fear caused him to lie to other people. When we are scared, we might do foolish or bad things. We can choose to tell the truth, do what's right, and not let our fear take over.
Objective: Kids will say, “I'm not scared to tell the truth.”
Scripture: Numbers 13:26-14:4, The 12 Spies
Twelve spies went into the land. Ten spies came back afraid. Two spies – Caleb and Joshua – were fearless and ready to follow God wherever he led them.
Objective: Kids will say, “I'm not scared to follow God.”
My Hero
Scripture: Matthew 6:25-36, Do Not Worry
We can worry about a lot of things – big and small. But Jesus says we don’t need to worry. We can focus on God instead, who takes away our fears.
Objective: Kids will say, “I'm not scared. God takes care of me.”
To The Rescue
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:25-49, David and Goliath
Goliath wanted to fight. The soldiers were afraid. David knew if he trusted God, he didn’t have to be afraid, even against a giant! He knew that God was with him and would give him the victory.
Objective: Kids will say, “I'm not scared. God is with me.”