FREE 40-Day Challenge Sunday School Lesson

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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our 40 Day Challenge 6-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum!

This series moves beyond the church walls to right where your kids live. Kids will grow closer to God and become better servants as they take on the 40-day challenge to: pray, read, serve, give, share, and praise!

40 Day Challenge Sunday School Lesson Overview:

Memory Verse:

“In the same way, let your light shine in front of others. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will bring praise to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIrV)


1. Pray – Staying connected to God should be the foundation of our lives. With the Lord's Prayer, Jesus gave us a guide on how to talk to God. Matthew 6:5-13, Prayer

CHALLENGE Day 1 – 7: Kids will commit to pray for 10 minutes every day. At least 5 of those minutes will be in silence as kids listen and try to hear what God is speaking to them.


    Click HERE to see the 40 Day Challenge 6-Week series.

    Looking for more free Sunday School Lessons?  Check out our collection of over 150 FREE Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Or take a look at our chronological list of Bible Stories for Kids.

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