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Kids and adults alike love to play with LEGO bricks. In this series, you’ll use LEGO bricks to show kids how they can build a firm foundation by putting their faith in Jesus.
“But I trust in your faithful love. My heart is filled with joy because you will save me.” – Psalm 13:5 (NIRV)
A Little FishyScripture: Mark 1:16-20, Jesus Calls His First DisciplesJesus went around looking for people with a little bit of faith to leave everything behind and follow Him. Jesus took a group of fishermen and built them into his first disciples.Block Build: Boat on the waterObjective: Kids will learn “Putting your faith in Jesus builds a great new life.”
Looking for more free Sunday School Lessons? Check out our collection of over 150 FREE Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Or take a look at our chronological list of Bible Stories for Kids.
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