FREE Fairy Tales Sunday School Lesson

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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Fairy Tales 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum!

Classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes are often filled with valuable lessons. This series will pair these classic stories with the truth found in the Bible, to reinforce the value of doing things God's way. In Fairy Tales 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn that living life God’s way is the only way to truly live happily ever after.

Countdown to Easter Sunday School Lesson Overview:

Memory Verse: Blessed is the person who obeys the law of the Lord. They don’t follow the advice of evil people. They don’t make a habit of doing what sinners do. They don’t join those who make fun of the Lord and his law. Psalm 1:1 (NIrV)

The Tortoise and the Hare

Scripture: Philippians 3:8-14, Press On

In the classic fable: although the Hare was faster than the Tortoise, the Tortoise won the race because he never stopped, but kept pressing on. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages Jesus followers to stay faithful and to keep pressing on with God. 

Objective: Kids will be challenged to commit to spending a little time with Jesus to start each day.

    Click HERE to see the Fairy Tales series.

    Looking for more free Sunday School Lessons?  Check out our collection of over 150 FREE Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Or take a look at our chronological list of Bible Stories for Kids.

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