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All things are possible with God. . . as long as we have faith. To some, a person with a strong faith in God can seem like a visitor from another planet. U.F.O.s 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum teaches kids that those of us who put our faith in Him have experienced the incredible things that God can do.
Memory Verse: “Jesus looked at them and said, 'With people, this is impossible. But with God, all things are possible.'” Matthew 19:26 (NIrV)
Take Me to Your Leader
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33, Jesus and Peter Walk on Water
Too often, we lose faith because we focus on our problems and not on our incredible God. Jesus walking on water was an incredible sight to behold. When Peter joined Jesus out on the water, the experience became even more incredible; until Peter saw the waves and his faith sank. We will experience incredible things – and our faith will grow – when we focus on Jesus.
Objective: Kids will say, “I choose to keep my eyes on Jesus.”
Looking for more free Sunday School Lessons? Check out our collection of over 150 FREE Sunday School Lessons for Kids. Or take a look at our chronological list of Bible Stories for Kids.
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