Christians Have More Fun!
So often we see religion as a stuffy list of “don't do thats.” But the fully-experienced Christian life is defined by joy.

Fun Lessons Overview:
Memory Verse: "Nehemiah said, 'Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.'” Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)
Party Time – The first miracle that Jesus performed wasn't at a staunch religious ceremony; it was at a party. Students will learn that celebration is an important part of the Christian life. John 2:1-11, Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
So Happy Together – The early church didn't have much, but they had each other and they devoted themselves to spending time together. Students will learn that investing in the lives of other people is a key to having a fun Christian life. Acts 2:42-47, The Early Church
Remember the Good Times – For the Jewish person, the Passover was a celebration to remember how God had delivered them out of Egypt. Jesus transformed that feast into a celebration of his life, death, and resurrection. Students will learn the joy that comes from remembering all of good things that God has done for them. Matthew 26:17-30, The Last Supper
Never The Same – When Jesus ate at the home of Zacchaeus it changed his life forever. Students will learn that the greatest fun of the Christian life is watching first hand how God transforms you to be more like him. Luke 19:1-10, Zacchaeus
About This Curriculum:
- Instant Download
- 4-Week Series
- Perfect for 6th-12th Grade Students
- Great for Weekend or Mid-Week Programming
- Includes Both Large Group and Small Group Resources
- Download a sample lesson from this series here.
Each Lesson Includes:
DOWNLOAD. Teacher Prep: Printable lesson overview – with tips and encouragement – to distribute to each leader and teacher on your team.
UPLOAD. Large Group Teaching Guide: Printable “no prep required” Bible lesson for your Large Group Leader.
POP QUIZ. Print and distribute this quiz to each of your students. Questions are based on the Upload Bible Lesson.
COMMENT & SHARE. Small Group Discussion Guide: Print and distribute this guide to leaders and students for use during their small group time.
INTERACTIVE. Lesson Activity: Three activity options – a group game, a missional activity, and a service project – to pick and choose from each week
TRENDING. Social Media + Leader Ideas: Ideas to help you use social media to keep the discussion with students going throughout the week.
GRAPHICS. Series Graphics, Social Media Graphics, and Printables.
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