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Snacks 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum

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Bible Lessons Based on Kids' Favorite Treats

Kids love snacks. They taste good. But, even with all of their sweet, crunchy, salty, or chewy goodness; nothing compares to the goodness of our God.


Snacks Lessons Overview:

Memory Verse:

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8 (NIV)


Popsicles – In those hot summer months, nothing satisfies like a cool, refreshing popsicle. Kids will learn that when we get angry, we should turn to God who can help us keep our cool. James 1:19-27, Slow To Become Angry

Doughnuts – We love those sweet doughnuts with the trademark hole in the center. Kids will learn that each of us has a hole in our hearts that can only be filled by Jesus. John 4:4-26, Jesus And The Samaritan Woman 

Cheese Puffs – Being puffed up and full of air is great for Cheese Puffs, but not so great for people. Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to be humble and honest rather than puffed up with ego. Luke 20:45-21:4, The Widow's Offering

Trail Mix – For camping in the mountains or hiking in the wilderness, you can't find a better snack than trail mix to get you through. Kids will learn that when we fill ourselves with God's word, it will help us through whatever we face. Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus Tempted In The Wilderness

Rice Krispie Treats – Not only do Rice Krispie Treats taste great, but they are super easy to make. Kids will learn that becoming a Christian is as simple and as sweet as asking Jesus to forgive your sins and inviting him into your heart. Luke 24:36-48, Jesus Appears To The Disciples

Fruit – If we are wise we won't just snack on junk food, but from time to time we'll grab something healthy like fruit. Kids will learn that the healthy and wise people are the ones who build their lives on Jesus. Luke 6:46-49, Wise And Foolish Builders. 

Ice Cream – When you hear the music coming from the ice cream truck, you just have to run outside and get a sweet, cold treat. Kids will learn that no matter how much we have messed up, God still runs to meet us and give us his love. Luke 15:11-32, The Parable Of The Lost Son

Popcorn – When you make popcorn on the stove, what starts as a few kernels quickly gets to popping and soon fills a huge pot. Kids will learn that when we trust God, even small starts can have great big finishes. Judges 7:1-23, Gideon's Army

Pretzels – The great taste of pretzels is enhanced by their covering of salt. Kids will learn that Jesus called us to be the salt of the earth – adding flavor to a world that needs Jesus. Matthew 5:13-16, Salt And Light

Potato Chips – One potato chip commercial used to say “You can't eat just one.” And it's true. Kids will learn that God wants all people to know him, not just one or a select few. Acts 10, Peter's Vision

Goldfish Crackers – With their wonderful cheesy crunch, it's no wonder you want to “catch” as many goldfish crackers in your mouth as you can. Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to be fishers of people, telling them about Jesus. Luke 5:1-11, Jesus Calls The First Disciples

Chocolate Chip Cookies – Is there any snack more perfect than a warm and gooey chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven? Kids will learn that all God created is good, but that humans sinned, disrupting that perfect world. Genesis 3:1-20, The Fall


Each Lesson Includes:

  • Make It Stick! Parent Sheet - so you can let mom and dad know what kids are learning each week and look like a rockstar teacher who's thought of everything.
  • Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids are getting Scripture in their minds and hearts every single week and you can feel like each lesson was a success even when it seems like 90% of your lesson time is spent saying things like "calm down", "let's be quiet", "hands to yourself!
  • Skit or Puppet Show - so you have a way to easily connect the lesson with your hands-on and visual learners. No drama team? No problem! Just hand the script to the kids. They'll have a blast and think you're the coolest.
  • Craft Activity - so you can give kids a physical reminder of the Bible lesson (and give yourself an activity to keep them busy until mom and dad come back!)
  • Game - so kids don't leave and say church was BORING! Games are so important to help keep kids engaged. Our large group games always include a "What's The Point" section to help you connect the game to the lesson.
  • Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in a clear and fun way, which means now you can enjoy Saturday nights instead of stressing over putting a lesson together!
  • Small-Group Discussion - so you can find out who was paying attention and who was talking to their neighbor.  Just kidding, this is a great way for you to build deeper relationships with your kiddos after each lesson, which means you're going to care about them so much you'll cry like a baby when they graduate and go to middle school :(

About This Curriculum:

  • Perfect for kids ages 6-12
  • 12-weeks
  • Includes large group and small group resources
  • This curriculum is an instant download
  • Download a free sample here



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