
Free Lessons From Our Children's Ministry Curriculum Series'

296 products
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Books of the Wipeout 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! It takes great courage to become a champion surfer. You have to overcome the wi...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Escape from Bethlehem 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! We sometimes forget what an adventure the birth of Jesus really was: with frigh...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Books of the Bible 2.0 12-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Each week kids will learn about a few books of the Bible along with some simp...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our The Verse is Right 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Gear up for a little friendly competition, as your kids become contestants on the ...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Unicorns 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! What's more fantastical and rare than a unicorn? Perhaps these rarely told, amazing yet true...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our SOAR 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Let's go on a journey into the clouds, exploring some of the important locations in the Bible. W...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Idols: The Rise of Who 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! In Idols: The Rise of Who? 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum, kids will be...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Wise Guys 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The best gifts are personal gifts, things that show someone we really know them and care ab...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Level Up 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Level Up 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum will encourage kids in their quests to grow s...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Extreme 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Using the theme of extreme sports, Extreme 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum will look at...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our The Pirates Who Pray 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! A smart pirate always keeps a compass and map handy to navigate the seven seas. ...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Storage Full 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The best preparation for success in every aspect of life is to fill our hearts and heads...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Lie Detector 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! There are many lies going around today that sound good, but are really leading people aw...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Bible Numbers 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The Bible is filled with significant numbers. No matter how you look at them, the numbe...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Against The Ropes 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! In Against The Ropes 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn how to ...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our The Last Book 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The Old Testament books of prophecy become much easier to understand because of the New...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Jesus' BFFs 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! In Jesus' BFF's 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum, kids will learn to be friends who ...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our BAD 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! There are many great lessons to be learned from the heroes of the Bible, but there are some valua...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our You've Got Talent 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Just as many TV game shows are full of talent, so is the church. God has given all ...
$25 Off Coming Soon
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our EWWW! 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Sometimes things don't go the way we expect. Sometimes things can get downright messy! But God ...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Bank On It 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The Bible says a lot about money, wealth, and possessions – and their relationship to our ...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Upside Down 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! The life that Jesus offers is radically different than the one the world offers. When we ...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Fairy Tales 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes are often filled with valuable lessons. This serie...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Escape the Tomb 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Earth was the ultimate escape room, a place where all God's people were doomed to die...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Countdown to Easter 6-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! So much happened during the last week of Jesus’ life, as he prepared to make the ...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Bummer! 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Life is full of bummers. Bad grades, lost games, lost opportunities. Nobody had it worse than...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Jesus Fixed It 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Every single person has done or said bad things.  These bad things - like lying, disobe...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Lava Lava Luau VBS Curriculum! Emotions are like a force of nature, but with God’s help, we can learn to take control of our emotions before a sto...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Screen Time 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Much of daily life – even for kids – now revolves around screens. What are the risks? Wh...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Pumpkin Parable 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Parables are short stories that Jesus told with a much bigger meaning. In some ways,...
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Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Fear Less 4-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Some common childhood fears are creepy crawlies, things that go bump in the night, being a...
$25 Off
Sample this FREE Sunday School Lesson from our Battle Ready 8-Week Children's Ministry Curriculum! Kids love a good Nerf battle. Those battles will be the theme for this series about wha...