FREE Back to School Sunday School Lesson

Back to School Sunday School LessonUse this FREE Back to School Sunday School Lesson in your Children's Church programming during this Back to School season.  If you're looking for coloring pages and additional Back To School activity ideas then be sure to check out all of our FREE Back to School Children's Ministry resources.  The Back to School season is a great opportunity to teach your kids about sharing Jesus with their friends. Use this important time of the year to encourage your kids to spend time each day reading their Bibles and praying so that they will be prepared to share the good news of Jesus. Take advantage of this FREE Back to School Sunday School Lesson for your Children's Church or Sunday School.

Back to School Sunday School Lesson For Kids:


This school year, be ready to give an answer about Jesus. 


Kids will learn why its important to study the Bible and answer questions about God. 


Acts 8:26-40, Philip and the Ethiopian


But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.1 Peter 3:15a (NIV)

“But make sure in your hearts that Christ is Lord. Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it.” - 1 Peter 3:15a (NIrV)


This school year, make a pledge to live every day for God. Start your morning with God, listen for God lead you, and be ready to share God's love with others.


Flash Cards

Begin the lesson by quizzing kids with the flashcards. Have them answer as a group, or by having individuals answer for a chance to win prizes.

How were you all able to answer these questions?

If you had never studied any math before, do you think you could have answered these questions?

It's easy to give an answer in math if you know how to find the answer. Once you learn how to find the answer, you can use flashcards to get better and better at it, becoming quicker and more confident as you do.

Giving an answer about Jesus works the same way. The more we study God's Word, the better we know the story of Jesus. The more we talk about it - at church or with our friends - the easier it becomes to give an answer.

Sharing your faith is one of the most important things you can do as a friend. Jesus died for everyone, and he's counting on us to give that good news to others. Make a commitment this year to study God's word and to be ready to give an answer at any time. It may be the most important answer you ever give!



It's going to happen. One of these days, on the first day of school, it may happen to you. You walk in, sit down, and the teacher says, "Pull out a blank piece of paper. You're having a pop quiz!"

Pop quizzes are never fun, but they're especially scary on the first day of school. It's the first day! You haven't done anything yet! What could they possibly be quizzing you about on the first day? 

The good news is, if you get a pop quiz on the first day, it’s probably not for a grade. Teachers quiz their kids on the first day because they want to see what you know and what you remember from the year before. Teachers use that information to decide what they need to review and how best to start the year so you do learn all you need to know.

Even so, it's scary having a pop quiz. What are they going to ask? What if I don't know the answer? What if I fail?

As you get ready to start the school year, we want all of you to be ready to give an answer, but the answer we want you ready to give isn't about math or science or reading. It's about God. If someone asks what do you believe, can you answer him? If they ask who Jesus is, can you tell them? The good news is, all the answers you need are in the Bible, and if you know your Bible, you can be ready to give an answer - just like Jesus' friend Philip!

READ Acts 8:26-40


Philip was one of Jesus' disciples. When Jesus was alive, he was always bringing people to Jesus. When Jesus went back to heaven, Philip traveled from place to place, and he was always ready to answer questions about Jesus.

Philip wasn't stumped when the Ethiopian asked him about the Bible passage he was reading. Philip used that passage to show him that Jesus was the promised Messiah. As a result, the Ethiopian gave his heart to Jesus and was baptized.

How wonderful would it be if this is the year you lead a friend to Jesus? You can do it. You just have to be ready.


Being ready takes preparation. Like any test, you need to study to know what answers to give. There's only one book you need to learn all about God, and that's the Bible. If you take time to study the Bible, reading a few chapters every day, you will learn so much about the God who made you and loves you. You will learn that we are all sinners. You will discover that Jesus died and rose from the dead so he could pay the price for our sins. You will learn that anyone who believes in Jesus can have their sins forgiven and receive eternal life!

You will also learn how to share those answers with others. You don't yell at people or tell them they are bad. You share the good news with love. When Philip told the Ethiopian about Jesus, he didn't make him feel bad. He showed him how much Jesus loved him. That's the same thing Jesus did when he spoke to the woman at the well, Zacchaeus, and Nicodemus. Jesus loved others, and it was that love that won them over.

As you study God's Word, take time to pray. Pray that God will help you understand what the Bible says. Pray that God will make you ready to answer questions. And pray for your friends! Pray that God will give you the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with your friends so that this is the year they come to know Jesus.

You're going to answer a lot of questions this year. Some will be tougher than others. But whatever questions come your way, make sure you're ready for the one that's most important. Read the Bible, be ready to share your faith, and pray for those who need Jesus. God is counting on you to give an answer to those who need to hear it!


Dear God,

I pray that everyone here will take the time to study your Word this year so that all of us will be ready to give an answer when asked about your Son.

In Jesus' name,



But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.1 Peter 3:15a (NIV)

“But make sure in your hearts that Christ is Lord. Always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks you about the hope you have. Be ready to give the reason for it.” - 1 Peter 3:15a (NIrV)


Choose three kids from the audience. Have each one “sing” the memory verse in a different musical style - country, hip-hop, oldies, opera, etc. 


Put each word of the memory verse on a card. Have the kids rearrange the cards and put the words in order.


Have the kids make a calendar for the next two weeks. For each day, have them write down one chapter a day in the Gospel of Mark that they will read. (On Sundays, have them write down two chapters.) Write each day's reading on that day and include a blank or box to check off when it's done. In two weeks, they should have read through the entire gospel. Encourage them to bring their calendars back in two weeks to see how far everyone read!




Pictures of 6 presidents (Suggested: Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Kennedy, Obama)


Set the 6 presidential pictures on display, on a board or on music stands, out of chronological order and face down. Choose one player for this game - one of the older kids. They will have 60 seconds to turn all the presidents around and put them in chronological order. If they can put the presidents in order in 60 seconds or less, they win!


For younger kids, cut down to four easy ones - Washington, Lincoln, Teddy, and Obama, for example.



What are you most excited about this coming school year?


1 Peter 3:15a

Put each word of the memory verse on a card. Have the kids rearrange the cards and put the words in order.


Have the kids introduce each other and tell one thing they learned about science, history, or the arts over the summer.


Read Acts 8:26-40

Who was Philip?

What was the Ethiopian reading?

What did Philip tell the Ethiopian about Jesus?

Why did the Ethiopian want to be baptized?

Why is it important that we be ready to answer questions about Jesus?


Dear God,

Please use us this year to share Jesus with our friends, and make us ready to answer questions about you when we are asked.

In Jesus' name,




What are you most excited about this coming school year?


1 Peter 3:15a

Put each word of the memory verse on a card. Have the kids rearrange the cards and put the words in order. 


Split up the boys and girls. Have each group come up with 3-4 general knowledge school quiz questions, and then quiz the other team. Give a prize to the team that answers the most of the other team's questions.


Read Luke 8:26-40

What was the Ethiopian reading?

How did Philip use the scripture to share the good news of Jesus?

Why is it important for us to know the Bible?

What would you tell someone if he asked who Jesus is?

How would you tell someone about how to become a Christian?


Dear God, 

Please use us this year to share Jesus with our friends, and make us ready to answer questions about you when we are asked.

In Jesus' name,


For your convenience, you can also download the entire PDF version of this Back to School Children's Church Lesson (just click the link).

You can also find additional Back To School Sunday School Lesson Ideas from these websites:

Back to School Bible Lesson for Kids - Ministry-To-Children

Back to School - Children's Sermons from

8 Back to School Ideas - Children's Ministry Magazine

Back To School Children's Ministry Lesson – Children's Ministry Deals

10 FREE Back to School Ideas for Children's Church – Children's Ministries Deals